Event: ‘connect_error’
error (Object) error object
Fired upon a connection error.

Event: ‘connect_timeout’
Fired upon a connection timeout.

Event: ‘reconnect’
attempt (Number) reconnection attempt number
Fired upon a successful reconnection.

Event: ‘reconnect_attempt’
attempt (Number) reconnection attempt number
Fired upon an attempt to reconnect.

Event: ‘reconnecting’
attempt (Number) reconnection attempt number
Fired upon an attempt to reconnect.

Event: ‘reconnect_error’
error (Object) error object
Fired upon a reconnection attempt error.

Event: ‘reconnect_failed’
Fired when couldn’t reconnect within reconnectionAttempts.

Event: ‘ping’
Fired when a ping packet is written out to the server.

Event: ‘pong’
ms (Number) number of ms elapsed since ping packet (i.e.: latency).
Fired when a pong is received from the server.